Sunday, September 12, 2010

This deserves a post...

So the Italian has been skyping with a female for the past hour AT LEAST, which wouldn't bother me IF he either had his headphones in or made some effort to be quiet. If I knew Italian, I would be able to understand every single thing they are both saying. It sounds as though they're having an Italian disagreement but they might be just talking extremely loudly and excitedly, I have no idea. It's impossible to tell and also impossible to do anything. Like read, or do my homework. I am never going to feel bad for skyping at night again. In fact if someone comes on skype, I WILL skype with them, immediately. Unfortunately Spence won't be awake until I'm eating dinner maybe.

On the upside, I've been mostly productive today: Wrote my essay, finished the grammar homework, read for next Friday and memorized 1/4 of my poem. I might have to get cracking on the poem though because I have no idea when the first run-through of that is due..also we have to present it in a 'creative' way like a dramatic reading or illustrated or whatever. Any ideas? I'm really glad I don't have this French class until 4pm every day because I am not going to be ready for our debate tomorrow. The subject is: Is culture a commodity like clothes and books and movies and stuff or is it a necessity like food and shelter? I've just written a 600 word essay on culture and while that's not a very long piece of literature, I didn't have a whole lot to say about it in the first place so this debate is going to be a struggle.

After my disasterous attempt yesterday to give directions to a Russian woman from the opera to Montmartre, I've decided to really get cracking on this self-review. I've started listening to russian poetry and rememorizing the one poem that I knew. I'm hoping that tonight after dinner, I can just curl up in bed with the russian grammar book I bought last weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Ummm so basically I sit here and read these and laugh hysterically. You're writing is slightly sarcastic in tone but really its the situations you get yourself into. =) Makes me smile. I loves you! <3. (It's Breanne by the way)

    P.S: I can barely contain myself with the Italian situation you have going on. It makes me laugh so hard! You need to skype me so I can hear. =)
