Monday, September 13, 2010


This is surprisingly the first morning that I've woken up confused. I don't remember dreaming but I turned my alarm off before I knew what it was and then I just lay in bed staring around me thinking 'It's Sunday, It's Monday' and just feeling so confused. I must have been in a really deep sleep. I went to bet earlier than usual last night (12:30) after promising myself that I wouldn't buy any more chocolate bars until October. Bri got home around midnight; she said Alsace was wonderful and medieval and very Scandinavian in architecture and then we talked about the homework for a bit and then before I went to sleep, I texted Spencer because today is our one year anniversary :)

Last night I was watching an Agatha Christy movie in French on my computer and doing homework when I heard voices out in the hallway. I heard a knock on the door and it was the oldest girl from the family (Galiote?) and the mother and they kept saying they had an étagère. I just nodded and then looked at the Italian questioningly (he had also come out into the hallway) and he mimicked something that just looked like floors (because étage is floor in French, like third floor). I just chalked it up to my ignorance and turned back to my room when I noticed a boy coming through the door to the apartment with a bookcase…and then he came into my room with it. I must have said thank you to them a zillion times. I have so much shelve space now; I don't know what to do with it! As I was standing in front of it, thinking just that, the Italian came in and I told him I had been very surprised because I hadn't understood the word étagère. I put all my books and magazines in it but I guess I will need it more in the future when I start at Paris8 with my schoolbooks and stuff. While he was in my room, I asked him what he was working on because there is always a lot of sighing coming from that room and he had said before that he has so much to get done. He said he was working on a montage and asked if I wanted to see. He’s entering it in a film festival for work documentaries and he chose to film oysters. I only saw a portion of it because he has all these clips and he was working on putting them in order, but I’m assuming it’s going to be sea to factory to market, some sort of process. Then we talked about movies for a bit because his favorite type is Science Fiction (Laura, I told him all about the horrible Syfy channel in the US) and his favorite movie is 2001: space odyssey (which I’m determined to watch one of these days since he thinks it’s so good.) I told him about my limited experience with science fiction movies, but when I mentioned Armageddon (because Nicole had that movie poster in our room when I was younger) he let out this almighty groan, ‘Jesus Christ…’ It was the best reaction anything I’ve said has elicited from him. I knew the movie was terrible but as a filmmaker, it must just be insulting to him. Anyway, I left him with some inspiring parting words (You can do it!) and told him to get back to work, advice which I promptly ignored. I went back to my room and listened to Italian techno music (thank you Laura <3)

1 comment:

  1. Why on earth would he choose oysters??

    And Armageddon absolutely terrified me as a child! My mom forced me to watch it and I was sooo scared T.T
